Communicate God's Way
Rian Seipler
Small Business Consulting
Rian Seipler, CEO and owner of Abel Christian Leadership will be able to assess the strengths and opportunities of your small business. During his retail career he was often sent to underperforming areas. He would listen to the employees, discussed their thoughts and ideas, assessed their needs, developed strategies, helped implement these strategies and always had positive results.
Rian’s priorities are to help small businesses be successful. The first consult will be a free session to discuss with the owner or manager the concerns and goal of the small business team. Rian understands to help and consult with a business you must know about the people managing the business and the business itself. He will listen to your concerns and needs. The simple but important questions that will be asked are: Why are you doing this business? What is your vision for your business? What is the business’s greatest strength, and what issue have you not been able to resolve, etc.
Rian retired as a district manager from a very successful off-price retail chain. He began his career by working after school as a stock boy in a discount store chain. After graduating from high school, he was asked to join the management program and accepted the offer. College was not an option for him at that time as the situation between his divorced parents made it unfeasible. From age twenty-two to sixty-four, he was in retail management, working for three different retail companies and holding positions of assistant store manager, store manager, regional merchandise manager, and district manager. Throughout Rian’s career, he made a point to study business leadership and communications. He has read many books on leadership and, at the same time, attended countless seminars and meetings on leadership and communication. He has observed and interacted with leaders with great interest over the years, both successful and unsuccessful, and learned from both. Throughout his career, working with hundreds of people and, because of his intentional desire to always improve his performance, Rian has collected thoughts, ideas, strategies, and specific ways that will enable everyone to enhance their leadership and communication skills.